Lot: 205

101st Auction

Anthropo-zoomorphic face mask "ci-wara-ni kun"

Mali, Bozo / Mande, Kita Region

Provenance Size Starting price / estimated price
Private Miami Collection, USA H: 34.3 inch 4000 EUR
plus 27 % commission, VAT, transport and insurance

wood, five animal horns, cowries, glass beads, mirrors were once attached to the round plaques made of beeswax

Like the "chiwara" antelope dance crests, "ci-wara-ni kun" accompanied the young farmers to the fields during planting competitions and tried to spur them on to top performance. However, "ci-wara-ni kun" was not worn on the head but in front of the face.

A formally and stylistically very similar object collected by Leiris & Griaule in 1931 is in the holdings of the Musée du quai Branly, Paris, France (Inv.no. 71.1931.74.635) and is published in Colleyn, 2001, p. 234, cat. 232 (see AHDRC 0079157).

Colleyn, Jean Paul (Hg.), Bamana, Zürich 2001, p. 234, Kat. 232