Figural stirrup vessel, c. 100 - 500 AD
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Lot: 46
Online AuctionFigural stirrup vessel, c. 100 - 500 AD
Peru, Moche I - II
Provenance | Size | Starting price / estimated price |
Zemanek-Münster, Würzburg, 15 June 2002, Lot 772 Michael Beckmann, Marburg, Germany |
H: 5.6 inch; 2.6 inch & 3.1 inch (figures) |
sold |
ceramic, rest. (assistant figures re-modelled / supplemented and separately enclosed)
Showing the mummification of a child by a priest, flanked by a pair of parents.
Thermoluminescence Expertise, Nr. 488117, 20.04.1988, Ralf Kotalla, Haigerloch, Germany
This object is subject to the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Protection Act. Export documents are required for export (subjected to a fee)