Lot: 164

101st Auction

Power half figure "nkisi / nkishi"

D. R. Congo, Songye

Provenance Size Starting price / estimated price
H.K. Galerie, St. Gallen, Switzerland (Helene Knill and Hans Koller)
Walter Glaser, Basel, Switzerland
Zemanek-Münster, Würzburg, 26. February 2005, Lot 395
Bernhard Jäger, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
H: 13.8 inch 500 EUR
plus 27 % commission, VAT, transport and insurance

wood, kaolin, metal, base

Metal strips on forehead and nose bridge are said to relate to lightning. Thus on the "nkisi" this facial sign seems to signal its dual capacity to counteract and redirect aggressive action against the evildoer.