Rare head sculpture
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95th Tribal Art AuctionRare head sculpture
Cameroon, southern / Equatorial Guinea, Beti-Fang, Eton
Provenance | Size | Starting price / estimated price |
Allan Stone, New York, USA | H: 5.5 inch |
3500 EUR
plus 27 % commission, VAT, transport and insurance |
wood, inlay (eyes), rest., base
The Eton and a closely related people, the Yaunde, comprise the two main subgroups of the Beti, which in turn constitute one of the three major subdivisions of the cluster of peoples in southern Cameroon, mainland Equatorial Guinea, and northern Gabon known as the Fang.
von Sydow, Eckart, Afrikanische Plastik, Berlin 1954, Ill. p. 57 B, E