Reiseskizzen aus Nord-Ost Afrika
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94th Tribal Art AuctionReiseskizzen aus Nord-Ost Afrika
Brehm, Dr. Alfred Edmund
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3 parts in 1 volume, second, unchanged edition, which was published by Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Maute, Jena 1862.
Part 1: 1 leaf with signature "Dr.Schweitzer" (unproofed), I-XII, 376 pages; Part 2: I-IV, 272 pages
Part 3: I-VIII, 356 pages, 1 leaf
printed on a non-ageing and acid-free printing paper, which reflects the original impression, cloth-bound, gilt-stamped back, bibliophile with round spine and ribbon, a cover corresponding to the style of the time was mounted on the front cover (slight abrasion), pages slightly foxed, cover slightly abraded, 14.5 cm x 21.5 cm
in addition: copy of the site map of the jungle hospital by Dr. Albert Schweitzer