Masque anthropo-zoomorphe
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- Masque anthropo-zoomorphe
Lot: 230
Vente en ligneMasque anthropo-zoomorphe
Nigéria, Delta du Niger, Ijaw
Provenance | Taille | Prix d’appel / Prix d'Estimation |
H: 72 cm |
450 EUR
Frais supplémentaires : 27% de commission, TVA, expédition et assurance transport |
wood, polychrome paint residues, kaolin, rest.
Water spirits "owuamapu" play an important role in the religious beliefs of the Ijaw.
They are represented by masks that vary greatly in appearance, because they are designed according to the individual ideas (visions) of the respective carver. They always combine human features with those of aquatic creatures and are always carried horizontally on the head.