Lot: 145

89e vente aux enchères Tribal Art

Masque-casque zoomorphe

Sierra Leone, Temne

Provenance Taille Prix d’appel / Prix d'Estimation
Eric Robertson, New York, USA H: 31 cm Vendu

wood, rep., base

Composite form, combining features of different animals. A comparable mask from the Kuhn Collection was offered at Sotheby's, New York in 1991, lot 1.

The Temne, who are related to the Baga, live in small chiefdoms within Sierra Leone. Ruled by a central chief, they are socially regulated by secret societies such as the male "poro" society and the female "bondo" association.

Sotheby's, New York, 20 November 1991, lot 1 (AHDRC 0113269)